I can hear those famous childhood words echo in my head from the Underdog cartoon: “NEVER FEAR! UNDER DOG IS HERE!!
And, so I chuckle each time I start thinking about being “THE Under-Dog” who was accepted to participate in the Instigator Experience. It all happened after I made a comment to a Srinivas Rao, after hearing him be interviewed about his book ‘The Art of Being Unmistakable”. He had put it on Kindle (for lack of resources) and it was ‘discovered accidentally’ by Glenn Beck. He woke up the next morning to find his book #1 on Kindle – all because Glenn had mentioned it. (I should be so blessed for my book, also on Kindle/Amazon!) Glenn’s TV show interview of him was a spectacular interview. Intriguing, different, compelling – something totally ‘different’, yet riveting. It was so compelling it got my ‘gut’ going – enough to drop him, a comment on his blog/website to say ‘great interview’. We shared a few emails back and forth and then last week, I got an invitation to apply to be one of 60 people chosen to be a part of the “Instigator Experience” he was putting on in April, in Los Angeles. I had to write a couple blurbs of why I should be there, it would be reviewed by a panel, yadda, yadda, and they would get back to me. I figured – what did I have to lose? All’s they could say is “no”! And what to my wandering email eyes should appear ? But a week later, an email confirming I was accepted! (But LAX?! SERIOUSLY?!) Now my “gut” is REALLY going!! What have I gotten myself into? As the days go on, and as I see who Srinivas Rao interviews on his BlogFM program, (people like the cartoonist who creates Dilbert, or someone from Cosmos) and hear words like hedge funds or futures, writers and designers and other entrepreneurs who will be at the Experience, I think – what do I have to offer? It’s then that a still small voice says: “You have ME to offer,. and the gifts I have given you to share.” OOPS……Sorry Big Guy! I know there are going to be many, many people I will be around who do not think like I do, act like I do, believe like I do, dress like I do, nor can come CLOSE to comprehending of living like I do. But I was reminded in my quiet time last week: “Know no theology. Know ME. Know relationship.” So in April, I will go, knowing no theology, but knowing that I will return with many new friendships and relationships, many new ideas, and I have a hunch that 59 other people will go home the same way . . . . because they met ME and because, of He who is IN me!
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September 2022
AuthorCare Tuk is a nationally known speaker, educator, and retreat/workshop leader. She has been a school, hospital, and home health occupational therapist for more than 30 years. She has been named as a Top Business Woman in America and recognized for her work with youth, disability outreach and awareness, and the American Cancer Society. |