![]() Today, the significance of WHO we are, while chaos reigns around us, we only need to be calm. Be true. Be quiet. For the 'grace of The One' watches over us . Our job today is to REST (relinquish everything, submit totally) in HIS Love. Joy is the expression of the beauty of Holiness. We are His. Deliverance is here for EACH of us, but it is true thankfulness and Joy that will open the gates. Today is a day to be thankful, be grateful, be filled with the sorrowful yet gladness that comes from the heart of God. Deliverance/freedom doesn't come from just quiet resignation, but to the joyful anticipation of all that is and is to come, blessed by Him. So today, be filled with joy. Be filled with love and laughter- the outward expression of BEing 'God with skin on.' Blessed Passover and Blessed Eastertide!
September 2022
AuthorCare Tuk is a nationally known speaker, educator, and retreat/workshop leader. She has been a school, hospital, and home health occupational therapist for more than 30 years. She has been named as a Top Business Woman in America and recognized for her work with youth, disability outreach and awareness, and the American Cancer Society. |