The hours of light grow longer for us in the North, as sure as Seasons are made for change. The events of another year have filled us, grown us, changed us and even shaped us. The weeks and months continued to make us into the ‘us’ we are, and will continuing to BE.
In each day’s little (or big) happenings, we have pressed on, doing our best to live in the moment. Some days have been easier than others, yet if we look close, there are nuggets of golden memories in each day we had life to breathe. I had no idea what the word LEAN IN” (my ‘word’ for 2018) would mean. I’m not sure I can adequately express the significance these two words held for me, other than it was the right word for the paths I would travel. Uncertainty fills the air as I enter into the next year – from retirement of being an occupational therapist, looking towards Bill’s retirement from his life work of construction of every shape size and color, to continued adventures at the end of our hand being “medical missionaries.” So it seems appropriate as I pondered and prayed for my 2019 “Word of the Year” that CONTENT would bubble to the top and burst to the top of the list. Whatever crosses my path, wherever the journey will take, I purpose to be CONTENT…and with that word comes much Peace. Thank you for journeying with me through 2018. Hopefully THIS is the year that my second book, Don’t Wimp Out will find it in the hands of the publisher – its close! May you find your special word to bring you peace, purpose and passion in 2019.
thaYep - Alaska is no place for wimps. Just ask any of the several thousand people in Alaska who have lived with 684 earthquakes in the last 24 hours......That makes it probably well over 800 since the 7.2 that you may have seen on TV, that hit at 0830.
One of the infamous photos is of a road buckling. That road is a main feeder roads where we live. My daughter ventured out today and for your information, she says the sink hold they show on all the news clips don't compare OR prepare you when you drive by it. One of my favorite hoodies has the saying above: Alaska: Just North of Normal. Where else if the airport, seaport and trains grind to a halt do you realize you will only have 3 days of groceries available, as it come by land, sea or air. If the roads are buckling.....oh well! But we are resilient, we are hearty, we are kind, and we help each other. We are blessed to have no earthquake related deaths recorded yet, and only 3 fires (from broken gas line). Yes, it's in the 20's, yes, it's snowing off and on, yes, there are millions of dollars of damage, and yes, our nerves are shot with aftershocks. Structural damage, road damage is everywhere and kids are delighted there will be no school for at least next Wednesday. But like you - we rely on Faith, Family, Friends and FUN......after all - a lower 48 news caster reported our "salami' evacuation order was cancelled. We were SO relieved, as we didn't have crackers in the cupboard! (It was supposed to be tsunami!!) Thanks for the out-pouring of concern, texts and emails. We are fine - nothing a vacuum cleaner and broom and elbow grease won't clean up.....when it stops shaking! Stay tuned!! |
September 2022
AuthorCare Tuk is a nationally known speaker, educator, and retreat/workshop leader. She has been a school, hospital, and home health occupational therapist for more than 30 years. She has been named as a Top Business Woman in America and recognized for her work with youth, disability outreach and awareness, and the American Cancer Society. |