Reprinted at request of several friends (original was an email)
As I was reflecting thinking how unusual it will be for so many to not celebrate and partake of the remembrance of the very core of our faiths - both for Passover and Easter,, I got thinking about the very first Easter... The disciples were ‘social distancing’ themselves per se. They away from the crowds/their families, trying to take in The Last Supper, the foot- washing, wrapping their heads around one of their own falling from grace and betraying Jesus. They were reeling from the horror of the walk to Golgotha, watching the vile actions of those who literally knew Him not. The earth trembled. Then silence. Up against all the unknowns, trying to comprehend the repercussions, they stayed ‘home’...versus being out and about. Agonizing thoughts, ashamed of their inaction, they sat in what they thought was ‘aloneness.’ But how far from reality...God had His Master Plan already drawn up. It would be up to each of us, consciously and individually - on how/when/what form we would take to walk out HIS plan. He KNEW His faithful would choose correctly (even if we are FAR from perfect!) And so, this Holy weekend and beyond, we answer His individual call on our personal life. Far from perfect, yet NEVER alone the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are with and in us - and are an overwhelming majority. What we do, what we say and who we are will touch others in ways we may never, ever know, this side of Heaven. Our prayers are heard - for ourselves, our family and our friends. And, while others we so deeply care about may not “do” or “act” or “live out” in the way WE wish they would, God’s loving grace, mercy and peace are over them. Our prayers bring them to the Throne as we continue to stand in the gap for them, just as He has done with and for US, knowing their battle is not ours to fight for them, but it IS our call to cover them in prayer, to “BE” who He has asked each of us to be. He asks us to take Him at His Word and BELIEVE GOD - not just to BELIEVE “IN” Him. His plans never fail, His timing is ever perfect because God is in ALL the details, ALL the time. Blessings and s’mores this Holy Week
September 2022
AuthorCare Tuk is a nationally known speaker, educator, and retreat/workshop leader. She has been a school, hospital, and home health occupational therapist for more than 30 years. She has been named as a Top Business Woman in America and recognized for her work with youth, disability outreach and awareness, and the American Cancer Society. |